Friday, 27 October 2017


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Jeffrey wants you to steal a sound-system. Drive over and talk to the DJ and she’ll ask you to dance (press Y both times). This is much like Sweet’s “Cesar Vialpando” mission, except you use your directional keys (WASD or arrow keys by default). After you’re done dancing the DJ asks you to come into the van. You can only get in once she’s in. Now drive off, get to the road closest to you so you can shake the beach boys chasing you and get to the garage.
You’ll have to sneak into Madd Dogg’s house. This one is a tad tricky but the game also tells you how to sneak so you shouldn’t have too much trouble. Remember that you have limited weaponry, a knife to start with and you can get a silenced pistol when you kill one of the guards after you have the rhyme book. There’s also body-armour in the building. However, regardless of what you used to get to the mansion you’re forced to take the bicycle at least to the bottom of the hill. You can jack a car or a bike once on the road though.
Now it’s time to take out Madd Dogg’s manager. Drive up to the Burger Shot to the north and crash into the black car. Kill the guard and then have the car re-sprayed at the nearby Pay N Spray. You’re on a timer to get to the chauffeur escort so be careful when exiting Pay N Spray and driving to the meet so that you don’t damage the car in any way. Follow the chauffeurs to the Chinese theatre and then drive off to the docks. Take the straightest route and drive the car off the pier. Before hitting the end of the pier, press Enter and CJ will bail.

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